
killerwhalepodThe Nature Files is dedicated to sharing science and environment news with people who want to learn something new about ecology and conservation. Swimming through science journals and keeping an ear to the ground for just released “you got to knows” about ecology and our relationship to it is what I love to do.

This blog is mostly “newsie” written, with some pieces more commentary or personally focused. But it’s always centered around showing you something new that is real out there in our big, complex planet called Earth. Check out the links to original sources, leave comments that will add to the debate (constructive please) or link to more information. But most of all, I hope you have fun.


_MG_0043Morgan Heim is a Colorado-based multimedia journalist specializing in sharing the stories of science and environmental issues. An accredited zoologist turned science communicator, she splits her time working with non-profits, research institutes and magazines to help engage the public in wanting to understand our planet. Morgan subscribes to the belief that if you show people how amazing and interwoven the world is, they’ll care more about what happens to it.

In addition to being an emerging member of the International League of Conservation Photographers, her work appears in such outlets as Smithsonian MagazineHigh Country News Nature Conservancy Magazine, OnEarth.org, National Wildlife, and the WILD Foundation. Check out her work at moheimphotography.com.

3 responses to “About

  • anaturopathiclife

    Fantastic photos and information. Love your work.

  • Sibylle

    congratulations on all the interesting info in this blog, helping people to appreciate wildlife, nature and the fragility of the planet. Writing about the environment is one of the most powerful things you can do at this stage of our planet’s life – people need knowledge to make better decisions than we’ve made in the past. Keep it up.

  • TH!NK Team

    Invitation TH!NK3: Developing World blogging competition

    Dear Blogger,

    Internationally renowned blogging competition seeks enthusiastic journalists, bloggers, students and experts!

    TH!NK3: Developing World is the latest in the European Journalism Centre’s TH!NK ABOUT IT blogging series and will feature 100 participants from 27 EU member states, neighbourhood countries and beyond, as they track sustainable development efforts and global cooperation initiatives around the globe. The blogging competition will run from 24 March to 31 August and begins with a launch event in Brussels, 22-23 March. Participation in TH!NK3: Developing World includes travel opportunities to Asia, Africa and New York City, where TH!NKers will report on development issues from on the ground!

    Sign Up today: thinkaboutit.eu or contact info@thinkaboutit.eu for more information. Cross-posting is permitted.

    Best regards,

    TH!NK Team
    European Journalism Centre
    Sonneville-lunet 10, 6221KT Maastricht, The Netherlands
    Email : info@thinkaboutit.eu

    Visit: http://www.thinkaboutit.eu
    http://www.ejc.net |
    http://www.eu4journalists.eu | http://www.eufeeds.eu

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